Grisenthwaite Genealogy

Some years ago, around 1994, I set out to trace my Family Tree. One reason was, I wanted to find out where the vision problems that exist in my branch originated. My branch is plagued with severe Myopia or short sightedness. Another reason for researching the Grisenthwaite Family Tree was simply interest, you have to admit it is an unusual name. So I set out to find some answers. I knew some family details but I wanted to find out just how far back in time the Grisenthwaite surname existed.

I learned the Grisenthwaite surname was derived from two Norse or Saxon names, Grisson - a yourg pig, and Thwaite - a clearing in the forest. It is true that many of my ancestors were farmers of one kind or another.

It did not take long to find out there are many ways to spell the surname. In the 1500's most folk were not educated and did not know how to read or write. Most early records were recorded on hand written parchments by Ministers of the Parish Churches throughout England. The Minister who recorded such events, as a Birth, a Marriage or a Death wrote the information the way he thought it should be written, simply by how the name was pronounced.

Over the past 9 years, with the much appreciated help of many others, I have collected a hoard of information about my surname. Over the years my sister and I have spent many hours in the Church of Latter Day Saints Genealogy Libray, looking for Birth, Marraige and Death records for Grisenthwaite's. Sheila Middleton in Australia also helped with this quest as did Lisbeth Grisenthwaite in Brussels.

It was my hope I would be able to acquire all the Grisenthwaite records from the Registry Office in England but there are so many it would be financially impossible to do so unless of cours I won a lottery. My vision has become worse and I am no longer able to decipher info on those Certificates so I have decided to post my list of records on this site in the hopes that it will help others who are researching the Grisenthwaite.

If you are looking for a record for a Grisenthwaite Birth, Marriage or Death from 1837 to 1983 you will find the information required to send away for a Certified copy of the original record. I have copies of some recoreds which are noted in the data base. I can supply an electonic copy of these. If you have a copy of any Grisenthwaite record and would like to have it listed om the data base, simply e-mail a copy of your record to me and I will make it available on the list.

It will take some time to get all the records I have on-line, so please be patient!! At the top of each page I will post a "updated on date" so you can tell if new info is available.

Thank you and enjoy!

Don Grisenthwaite - Canada

THE GRISENTHWAITE NAME THROUGH TIME - A Book by Jean Watson & Sheila Middleton

B I R T H S (Completed)

M A R R I A G E S (Completed)

D E A T H S (Completed)

W I L L S (Take a Look!)

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