A little history about the Vector 500 HF Linear Amplifier.

The Vector 500 HF Linear Amplifier was built in the early 1990's by VECTRONICS CORPORATION INC., in a factory located in Scarborough Ontario Canada. The amp was of a similiar design to the Collins 30-L linear amp. The Vector 500 amp, like the Collins 30-L was a compact design making them ideal for Hams (Radio Amatuers) with limited space on their operating table.

The amp measures 12 1/4" wide by 7" high by 12 1/2" deep excluding the rear connectors and weighs approximately 24 poinds. The amp uses four 811A tubes using a grounded grid configuration and puts out around 500 Watts.

Two Versons
There were two versions produce, the Canadian version and export version. The Canadian version operates on 160, 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meter bands without any mods. The export models had 12 and 10 meter bands blokced due to FCC regulations.

Cooling is provided by a small computer grade muffin fan. Some hams recommend rotating the two tubes closest to the fan with the tubes farthest from thte fan to extend the life of the tubes.

Unique Metering
The meter has two movements, the one on the left reads the plate current, the one on the right reads the grid current. Flip the meter switch and the one on the right reads the high voltage. The meter is kind of neat in that it has a "tuned bar" that makes tuning very easy. This meter design was patented.

Power Transformer Primary
The transformer was designed with multi primary inputs so the amp could be operated on 120 VAC, 220 VAC, and 240 VAC. The secondary windings produce 1800 VAC peak for the plate, 9.4 VAC peak for the filamnets, and 31.4 VAC peak for the ALC, meters. pilot lamp, and the cooling fan.

Power Transformer Secondary
The AC high voltage is rectified using computer grade filter capacitors and bleeder resisteres. The 31.1 volt AC is recitfied, filtered and regulated using diodes, an electrolytic capacitor and a 12 volt regulator. The 811A tube fillamnets use AC current with two sets tubes connected in series.

Out of Business
The Vectronics Corporation Inc., is no longer around and I believe it was taken over by MFJ.


These Web Pages are maintained by Don, VE3DDQ.